
muscular contraction中文是什么意思

  • 肌肉收缩作用



  • 例句与用法
  • The view that phosphocreatine was the direct source of energy for muscular contraction lasted only a few years .
  • An instrument for recording muscular contractions
  • 3 . muscular power : refers to the greatest force exerted during muscular contraction
    3 .肌力爆发力是指人体肌肉收缩时,一次能发出的最大力量。
  • As a result , during exercise they had a much higher ability to regenerate the atp that fuels muscular contraction than those who had a greater reliance on carbohydrates
    因此,这些酵素在运动时比主要依赖醣代谢的酵素有较高的能力再生肌肉收缩所需的atp 。
  • A sudden , involuntary , spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain , often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill
  • The disease is characterized by painful muscular contractions at the jaws and the neck ; the trunk is sometimes also affected and generalized spasms of muscles may occur
  • In almost all of us , the flow and release of energy is blocked by chronic muscular contractions in various areas of the body and by emotional attitudes adopted early in life
  • The deep veins of the lower legs are situated in the muscles of the calf , and when compressed by muscular contraction , the non - return valves cause a pumping effect the muscle pump aiding the return of blood
  • The deep veins of the lower legs are situated in the muscles of the calf , and when compressed by muscular contraction , the non - return valves cause a pumping effect ( the muscle pump ) aiding the return of blood
    小腿的深层静脉藏于小腿肚的肌肉内,当因肌肉收缩而受压,防止倒流的瓣膜会产生抽送的作用(肌肉泵) ,促进血液流回心脏。
  • In theory , this may be in part because non - exercise activity thermogenesis ( neat ) is generally a much greater component of total energy expenditure than exercise , or because any type of brief , yet frequent muscular contraction throughout the day may be necessary to short - circuit unhealthy molecular signals causing metabolic diseases
  • 英文解释
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